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3 Benefits of Working With a Cesspool Pumping Company

April 16, 2024

When it comes to home maintenance, few tasks are more important than maintaining your septic system. Working with a professional cesspool pumping service is crucial to the longevity of your system and the health of your home and community. This industry is large and growing. According to IBISWorld, the market size in the United States for septic, drain, and sewer cleaning services was worth $6.5 billion in 2022. Let’s look at a few reasons why you should connect with a cesspool pumping company that offers emergency services.

1. Community Health

Your septic system is regulated by the community health department because wastewater can have a huge negative impact on community's health. Septic systems that aren’t properly maintained can contaminate groundwater and put the health of your family and surrounding properties at risk. You are under an obligation as a property owner to keep your septic system up to community standards and codes. These are strictly enforced laws that can have steep consequences. You need to talk with the experts at a cesspool pumping service to discuss exactly what your system needs in order to stay in compliance.

2. Home Plumbing

The plumbing inside your house can also be greatly affected by the septic system outside your house as well. If the system becomes clogged or damaged, you might have a backup in your home. This can result in overflowing toilets, wastewater backing into tubs and drains, or bad smells coming up through the drains. Once septic system problems have started to affect the inside of your home, you may be facing indoor plumbing repairs as well as septic tank repairs. To avoid all of these problems, you should work with septic professionals to keep your system properly cleaned and maintained.

3. Home Value

Another detail you should consider is that your septic system greatly affects the value of your home. If you have any intention of selling your home in the future, it’s imperative that you keep your septic system in good shape. This will be a huge selling point when you put your house on the market. You’ll also be required by law to honestly disclose all information concerning the septic system and any issues that you might be having with it. If you fail to do this, you could face legal implications if the purchasers decide to sue you for non-disclosure.

These are just a few reasons why you should consider working with a cesspool pumping service. If you’re looking for reliable professionals in your area, please contact Busch Bros Cesspool Sewer & Drain Corp today. We look forward to hearing from you!

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