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Why Your Home Needs a Septic System

June 5, 2023

For millions of Americans, a septic system is the only available option for waste removal. It’s necessary when municipal sewer systems are not available. These systems are often referred to as cesspools, private sewers, sewer disposal systems, and catch basins. They all have the same meaning and depend on a cesspool pumping company to keep the system up to speed. Here are some reasons you may need a septic system.

They're Needed if Your Home Is in a Rural Area

Septic tanks provide service for about 21 million homes in the United States, according to Circle of Blue. By far, the most common reason people need a septic system is because their home is located in a rural area. These areas typically don't have access to community or municipal connections. A septic system can be installed to manage waste in areas with no other options. However, there are many suburban homes that also depend on them and require the support of a cesspool pumping company.

There are many areas in the United States where you'll need a septic tank on your property. If your home or business doesn't connect to the public sewer, then you will need a septic tank installed and to have it properly maintained. If you don't know if your home or business needs a septic system, then contact your local building authority before digging because you will need a permit for installations to begin.

They're Important for Major Home Improvements or Builds

A cesspool pumping company can only do so much. If you're extending the size of your home, adding a new bathroom, or making other major changes, then you may need to do some septic work. Your septic system is designed to support your home the way it is now. Making changes to your home can mean making changes to your system to ensure reliable service. Also, if you're planning a home-building project, then you should have a septic system installed to meet local regulations, especially if the public sewer system isn't connected or if you don't want to connect to it at all.

According to Bob Vila, it costs between $95-$180 per year to pump your septic tank to keep it in good condition. This is an essential investment to keep your home and family safe. If you don't have a septic system but would like one, then get in touch with us today! All your questions can be answered by a member of our team. Give us a call at Busch Bros Cesspool Sewer & Drain Corp today!

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